Reinstalled TBird 68 and unable to reactivate (win10)
Due to a System Crash at the end of October, I had to reinstall TBird 68.3 on Windows 10 (64 Bits). Since Nothing could be fixed, I upgraded TBird to V.84.0b3(64 Bits), hoping it would work better...
All my email Folders and their content reloaded themselves without any problem. However, my Contacts Folder remains empty and I have also been unable to find the correct Filters to receive any emails that have been sent to me since this Crash!
I am now desperate for help, so please don't hesitate to email me to "carl.bongaerts254@gmail.com" and please send a CC to my TBird email "info@tissim.com", just in case I find a solution in the near future!!! Thank you very, very much! Carl
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carl.bongaerts254 said
However, and in spite of my spending weeks with trying to make my TBird accept all messages since all the advices I have received from the Mozilla Volunteers since my System's Crash on October 24th, I have failed to resolve this issue! Obviously my failure is due to my lack of knowledge in this field and probably also because I have never faced any major issue since I started to use TBird more than 20 years ago !Прочитайте этот ответ в контексте 👍 0I See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1317852 from the 13th December and https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1317745 from the 12th December. So I must conclude you are talking about this thread which you started on the 16th December. What you did between October and mid December, but it was not using this identity on this forum.I am now at the point of feeling to be forced to abandon the use of TBird unless someone from Mozilla TBird is willing to give it a try "online" with my System!You are talking to volunteers that have to comply with the arrangement that Mozilla set for this forum. Whilst Thunderbird is not a Mozilla product, we use their forum and must abide by their rules. No remote accessing of the users device is one of those conditions.
I'm very sad to have to say this but I'm not qualified enough to execute such a solution and I need help desperately!Finally after reading three topics and basically all of this one I would guess you lost your profile in the crash and it was not picked up again when you reinstalled Thunderbird and set up your accounts again because it was a new profile. You reinstalled Thunderbird, but as the files are on your local disk, did you reinstall windows? If so how did you go about that? Is there a windows.old folder in your c: drive?
If you did not reinstall windows. Open windows file explorer and type %appdata% on the location bar and press enter. Open the Thunderbird folder followed by the profiles folder... is there more than a single profile entry in the folder?
Все ответы (1)
In previous postings I indicated that after my computer's crash on Oct. 27th, I reinstalled TBird V. 68 (32 Bits), then upgraded it to V. 78 (32 Bits), and it then updated itself automatically to 64 Bits several days later. This installation was quite successful, and I also managed to restore all my email Folders and their email messages using the BAK feature which was explained to me by a Mozilla Volunteer, and which I also found later on in the Mozilla Support. My biggest and very worrysome problem was that with the exception of 11 emails which had come into my system before the crash, my TBird was unable to receive any new email until yesterday, when I found the solution to fix this problem. Barely about a week before my System's crash, my Internet Service Provider gave me the instructions about this new service to Block all future Email Spams from their CPanel Webmail Server Filters, and which I started to input in a rather large quantity of 60+ Spam email addresses. I spent a lot of time checking and rechecking my TBird's Settings which were eventually confirmed by a local friend who knows TBird inside out, that they were setup perfectly well! This suddenly prompted me to make sure that my email address did not show up in any of the CPanel Webmail Server Filters, which they did not. However, several among these entries appeared to have been corrupted electroniquely, so I immediately started to delete a dozen of these Filters' entries, and non-received emails since the end of October started to pour into my "InBox" immediately. And just to be 100% safe, I deleted all other entries from these Filters and will deal with these Spam email addresses in a different manner! To fix this issue was quite easy, but to guess what I should do to fix it was very complex since I'm not a specialist with TBird !
I take this opportunity to Thank Matt, Wayne Mery, Stans and Erik and every other Volunteer who tried their best in helping me find a solution to this problem! You're all Great Volunteers!!! Carl