Empty Mailbox when importing old MBOX-Files
In my old Backup-Files I found some Mail-Files which I would like to import to Thunderbird (Local-Folder to not messup with current email-account). Some files works fine. But other are "empty" when I look at them in Thunderbird.
1. I just put the files into a new created folder (AppData/Local/Thunderbird/NewFolder
After starting Thunderbird .msf-files were automatically created, but some are still only 2 - 3 KB in size and are empty when accessing the folder within Thunderbird.
2. I already tried the import via Import-Export-Tool NG but with the same result.
The MBOX files looks good (when I open it via notepad), I seems to be pure ASCII My 5 mising MBOX-Files are 25 MB, 40 MB, 357 MB, 749 MB and 771 MB in size, so they are definetly not empty.
Thank you for help
Все ответы (6)
Copy the mbox files into the Mail/Local Folders location of the profile, with TB closed. Help/Troubleshooting, Profile Folder, Open Folder, to open the profile folder. Note the profile folder is under .../AppData/Roaming/..., not .../AppData/Local/...
@sfhowes: Thank you very much for your tips.
I moved the files from local to roaming and cofigured the local folders folder to link to the roaming folder. If I start Thunderbird again I can see the Files below "Lokale Ordner = local folders". But if I click on them they are still empty.
I clecked the files properties and as you can see (here is one as example, but it is the same for all others): Number of Messages: 0 (Anzahl der Nachrichten) Filesize: 753 MB (Größe auf Datenträger)
There is also a "Repair"-Button (Reparieren) for the .msf Files. But even when I press it, no mails are displayed.
Open the files and look at the x-mozilla status line of a few of the emails. What is the status number stored in them.
For Example I opend Inbox_2021-03-21, I found the following counts of different x-mozilla-status: X-Mozilla-Status: 0000: 20 X-Mozilla-Status: 0008: 611 X-Mozilla-Status: 0009: 136 X-Mozilla-Status: 000b: 13 X-Mozilla-Status: 0018: 105 X-Mozilla-Status: 0019: 35 X-Mozilla-Status: 001b: 10 X-Mozilla-Status: 1009: 5 X-Mozilla-Status: 100b: 1
Выбранное решение
Sorry for beeing silent for that long time. But after I have modified the sed-command mentioned in the blog post I would like to inform you that everything works fine and that I could restore (hopefully) all my old messages. Thank you for your quick responds, tipps and help. Take care and stay healthy!