Solve/print: webpage
text is okay, pictures colors corrupt, graphs corrupt. Same webpages print correct in different browser. ( Mac OS 12.5).
How to fix this printing issue?
Все ответы (1)
Let me first mention a known issue and then if it's not this, let's dive into further details:
There is a problem printing PDFs in Firefox 103 for Mac. This should only affect PDFs you are viewing in Firefox's built-in PDF viewer and not regular web pages.
The problem is with PDFs that contain embedded images or which consist of one huge image. The image is not scaled correctly, so this happens:
- Embedded images: the image is enlarged within its original boundaries and much of it gets lost
- Entire PDF is an image: the image flows off the page regardless of what kind of scaling you try
There is a bug on file for this, and hopefully there will be a fix in Firefox 105. For now, I'm not aware of any workaround. You may need to print PDFs from Preview or Acrobat or Safari. For example, you can use the download button on the PDF Viewer's extra toolbar to save the PDF to a convenient location:
If you want to change the way Firefox handles all PDFs by default because this is a frequent problem, here's a link to the support article: https://support.mozilla.org/kb/view-pdf-files-firefox-or-choose-another-viewer
Does that help with the page you aren't able to print?