Download .mov file
I'm searching for a method to download video files that are formatted as a .mov files without changing the file format. Firefox browser 109.0 running on a Windows 10 PC modifies the files from .mov to .mp4 when saving the files on the PC from a cloud file storage website. Other browsers such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge handle the file download without changing the file extension from .mov to .mp4. How to I alter the settings within FireFox to maintain the original .mov file extension?
Все ответы (1)
Firefox sometimes "corrects" a file extension to match a server's stated Content-Type (such as video/mp4 => .mp4). I don't know whether that is the issue with these particular files. Is there an example page where .mov downloads get renamed (which can be accessed without a login or account) (family-friendly content only)? When sharing a URL here, you can put a space before the top level domain (break the URL) to bypass the spam link moderation queue. For example:
https://www.example .com/blahblah.mov