I see there is an option to have a delivery and read receipt when you send an email....like the viber 2 ticks ✓✓ ...so you can see if the receiver has received or read the email. (Not the the one you ask him to send or not a read receipt like a reply). I have the option with the ticks checked on the new email window...but where to i see these 2 ticks if the email has been delivered ? If i remember correctly in the distant past there was an option to have this displayed like a column on the view panel so you could check it easily.
Все ответы (2)
Click on the small icon to the right of 'Quick Filter' and you can add a 'received' column.
i believe you mean first you got to change to table view cause default is card view. On the right of the quick filter is the message list display options where you can select view type , sort, etc. In table view there is an icon on the right select columns to display where i've selected received and status but this doesn't show what i need. When you sent an email it displays the same exact time and date that i send it and the status is always read. It doesn't show any additional info...like when the receiver got it or if he read it or not. So there isn't any use for these columns. It would be nice if they showed the time the receiver got the email on his computer if it is read or not. Some other apps have it. Thunderbird is so much more customizable i thought it would have by default such a useful feature especially for corporate use.