How can I get CMT.com music videos to use full available bandwidth? Only uses 200 kps of my 8200 kps down so music videos are choppy due to constant buffering.
Can't get CMT.com to play music videos using full bandwidth available. They say it streams at 650 kps , I have 8200 down and 2100 up available. Constantly buffers and interupts video. Commercials on the the site use the full 650 kps down. Other news sites work fine with Adobe flash videos, CNN, NBC. Any ideas what is wrong. Has been doing this for several weeks. Used to work fine.
URL of affected sites
Can't get CMT.com to play music videos using full bandwidth available. They say it streams at 650 kps , I have 8200 down and 2100 up available. Constantly buffers and interupts video. Commercials on the the site use the full 650 kps down. Other news sites work fine with Adobe flash videos, CNN, NBC. Any ideas what is wrong. Has been doing this for several weeks. Used to work fine.
== URL of affected sites ==
Все ответы (1)
i have the same problem with a different site. vizanime.com to be exact.