No spaces between words in textareas
There are no spaces showing up between words in <textarea> boxes and the text is italicized. The spaces exist, (i.e. I can paste text to and from the boxes and the spaces are preserved). The problem does not seem to show up in Input boxes or anything else of the like, just <textarea>.
If I entered the text normally it would show up like this.
Все ответы (3)
This issue can be caused by a corrupted font that Firefox replaces by another font that doesn't display properly.
You can try a different font for the Monospace font to see if there is a problem with the currently selected font.
Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced
Wow, thank you, that fixed it right up. Guess I'll just replace the courier new font. That's weird 'cause it's a default font.
Thanks again :)
You're welcome.