How do I download firefox when it keeps prompting me to reboot but when I do it still won't? have rebooted 6 times now and still can't download.
I had firefox months ago but due to computer problems had to remove it but now I can't redownload it because it keeps prompting me to reboot to complete a previous uninstall but when I allow it to it reboots the computer than nothing happens so I try to download again and it still says reboot have rebooted 6 times and it still won't let me download.
Выбранное решение
Uninstalling Firefox on Windows
Delete ALL suggested in the article
Check and tell if its working.
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Installing Firefox on Windows
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the problem isn't that I don't know how to download it's that I'm unable to complete a download because it prompts me to reboot but when I do it still doesn't download and continues to prompt me to reboot so I am unable to complete the download to get it on my computer.
you mean you can't even Download the Firefox Installer file ?? If you are receiving any Error Messages, what are the Error Messages ??
I don't get an error I get as far a the screen where you pick standard install and it prompts me to reboot saying it needs to complete a previous uninstall so I do then nothing happens so I try to redownload and again it prompts me to reboot I have rebooted now probably 20 times and still can't get past that part and download the program tried to post a screenshot but it's not showing up on my post
The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete
Check and tell if its working.
that's not the message I'm getting it tells my to start my download I must reboot my computer to finish a previous uninstall. I haven't downloaded firefox yet because it's not letting me I went to the link you put up and did what it said but couldn't because the file it says to find isn't there because I don't have firefox. I can't get the installation to finish because it keeps prompting me to reboot before I can install but when I reboot it still tells me I need to reboot.
-> click Firefox button and click Exit
-> Start Firefox in Safe Mode
Firefox Safe Mode window will open. DON'T SELECT ANY OPTIONS, just click Continue in Safe Mode
Check and tell if its working while you are Browsing and Downloading the file in Firefox Safe Mode.
I don't have firefox I am using internet explorer it won't let me download firefox so I can't click the firefox button cause there isn't one I'm not able to download firefox that is the problem
Then ask your Question from Windows Live Technical Support !!!
windows isn't what's stopping it it's firefox that not letting it download it keeps telling me I need to reboot to finish a previous uninstall
The Web Browser you are using to Download Firefox Installation file is INTERNET EXPLORER so ask this Question from Microsoft Technical Support Team.
I keep trying to explain it's not internet explorer or windows it's firefox I can run the download but once it get to the point in the download process where you pick standard or custome download and I select standard then FIREFOX tells me I need to reboot before I can finish the download and then never completes after the reboot.
Try to use Custom Install method:
Custom installation of Firefox on Windows
Check and tell if its working.
just tried is and when I got to the setup shortcuts part of the download I clicked next and again a prompt popped up from mozilla firefox setup saying your computer must be restarted to complete a previous uninstall of firefox. Do you want to reboot now? which is the same one I've been getting and when I click yes the computer reboots and when it starts back up the installation never continues and when I try again it does the same thing.
Are you logged-in to Windows as an Administrator Account ??
yes I am. windows isn't giving me any prompts other than the original one authorizing firefox to run the installation program before the download starts then part way into the download firefox asks me to reboot so the download it starting then it tells me I can't finish the download because I have to reboot because of a previous uninstall that needs to complete so when I reboot it should finish the installation but it doesn't and then when I try the download again I get the same thing again like it's stuck in a loop
if you have an email I can send you the screenshot of what it's doing I tried to post it on here but it's not showing up
Software Update not working properly
Check and tell if its working.
Note: You can attach screenshots here as well, in the Add images.. textfield below.
I haven't yet downloaded firefox so it's not a software update it's the download that isn't completing. Also I've tried now 3 times to add the screenshot on the add images thing and it's not showing up I've tried it as a .BMP and .JPG it's size is 400 x 300 pixels and also at 200 x 150 pixels I don't know why it's not showing up