hotmail.com individual emails do not open under Firefox 12.0
When I am signed into hotmail using firefox browser, I am unable to open emails or write a new email. I am running firefox 12.0 on windows 7 . I do not have this problem with hotmail using Google Chrome or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Any help would be appreciated. I have already uninstalled and re-installed Firefox 12.0 once and this did not solve the problem.
Выбранное решение
do you use foxit reader? If you do, uninstall it and re-install version See the link a few posts back by silkphoenix.
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When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
1. Clear Firefox's Cache
orange Firefox button or Tools menu > Options > Advanced
On the Network mini-tab > Offline Storage : "Clear Now"
2. If needed, delete the site's cookies here
While viewing a page on the site, right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
In the search box at the top of the dialog, it probably will say live.com rather than hotmail.com; that's normal.
After removing the cookies, reload and re-login. Does it behave any better?
phkahn -- By any chance, do you have AVG installed? It happened to me this morning after I updated both AVG as well as Foxit Reader. Hotmail was working fine before that. I have AVG 2012.0.2171 and Foxit Reader I couldn't open/delete/compose emails in Hotmail. It's working fine in both Chrome and IE.
jscher2000 -- I have done all those you mentioned and the problem persisted.
PS: I have also disabled AVG Do-Not-Block and Safe Search add-ons, as well as disable AVG completely in my PC, none of these procedures help.
OK, I think I have found the culprit here. I revert my Foxit Reader back to version, cleared the Cache and all cookies for Hotmail, then log-out and log-in Hotmail again, and it is working normally now.
phkahn, If you updated your Foxit Reader to the latest version, you might want to revert it back to the old one, that's my suggestion.
Thank you for your suggestions. I tried what you suggested but it did not work. I solved the problem for now by uninstalling Foxit Reader.
To Silkphoenix: I uninstalled Foxit Reader and now the Hotmail.com site works on Firefox 12.0 . I will try to reinstall Foxit Reader. Thanks for your help.
p.s. I installed Foxit Reader without the Mozilla plug-in and without the Shell extensions and Hotmail.com on Firefox 12.0 works fine. Thanks again for your help.
I have the same problem. Try deactivating the foxit reader plugin. This works fine for me, but i can't read PDF files in firefox...
chvatro -- You can download the old Foxit Reader version here:
That's what I am using now.
I uninstalled foxit reader and everything works in hotmail again.
Mouse will not work in Hotmail, but works normally in gmail or Frontier mail. I have started having problems with my Hotmail account only when using Firefox. Hotmail works normally when I use Internet Explorer. For some reason when I click on an email, nothing happens. When I click on the box in front of the email to select it, I get a check mark (which is normal) but I can’t move or delete it. When I try to switch folders nothing happens either. The only thing I can select with my mouse is the “?” (help symbol). If I do a CTRL/n (keyboard shortcut to compose an email), the screen goes to the compose screen. Then my mouse starts working normally. I worked with Hotmail support for several days when I remembered that about the time the problem started I had downloaded and installed the latest Firefox download. Hotmail support suggested I contact Firefox support to see if they have a solution
Donald Bigbee bigbee63@live.com
Выбранное решение
do you use foxit reader? If you do, uninstall it and re-install version See the link a few posts back by silkphoenix.
No, I don't use foxit reader. In fact I had never heard of it. I checked and it is not installed on my PC.
Thanks anyway.
Old Man of the Sea.
Just an FYI. The Foxit folks are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. For now running an older version is your best bet.
After years of only using firefox I've had to give it up and go to chrome because firefox has become so buggy with hotmail that I can barely use it. Emails won't open, pages won't scroll. It's really frustrating. I don't have foxit, don't even know what it is. I thought it might be a mac issue since I have only had this problem since I got my mac air. Mac os 10.7.4, firefox 12.0
Hi profamericain, since you posted here, I suspect you might want to give Firefox one more try. Firefox 13 has a new "Reset" feature which creates a new settings folder leaving behind most of what can cause problems in Firefox -- including all your add-ons. For more information, you can check out this article: Refresh Firefox - reset add-ons and settings.
I started to have problems with Foxit at the Amazon site this AM. :(
The rollback solution from this solution worked perfectly. Thank you so much, silkphoenix!
Thanks, I installed 13 and will see how it works.
I just want to give an update to everyone that Foxit Reader has fixed its problem with Hotmail with the latest version I updated mine and everything is fine with Hotmail in Firefox.
I seem to have solved the problem by going to Firefox -> Options -> Security -> Exceptions to sites which may install add-ons. I added hotmail.com to the allowed list and Hotmail seems to be working well again.
Hi smcc, can you tell what, if anything, live.com was trying to install?
I have absolutely no idea! I found the answer on Microsoft answers http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windowslive/forum/hotmail-email/i-cant-open-my-hotmail-emails-in-firefox-why/d4bdf3a2-b107-4c0f-a8e4-2e930a827c75.
The relevant post is:- "Non of the above solved the problem. But after clearing all the possible cache and files, I did as someone on the firefox solution page had once written ie. I added hotmail.com, live.com, passport.com and msn.com to the safelist of the sites which may add add-ons (firefox-settings-safety-exception to the websites which may add add-ons).
Now everything works again! :)"
I added only hotmail.com.