Cannot Get it to DOWNLOAD After 20 Attempts
I have spent over 6 hours trying to download Firefox on to my laptop Windows 7 and it would not install, could not save it, download to run it, etc. This is very frustrating with my disability when I don't get on the computer that often that I lost all of this time and accomplished absolutely nothing in all that time!
When you have a disease where you are constantly burning and on fire all the time and to lose all this time when you have important letters and memos to get out is so frustrating.
Please call me to help me to get this installed and running immediately at xxx-xxx-5020 E.S.T after 11 a.m. Any help would be greatly appreciated in getting this problem solved.
Telephone number deleted by mod, this is a public forum, you may like to delete the remaining part of the phone number, I am sorry but telephone support and chat support is not offered.
Все ответы (1)
Mozilla, like most companies that provide free software, does not have telephone technical support.
I can help you with this issue however :)
First, Open up Internet Explorer. Go to www.getfirefox.com. Click the "Download Now" button. Then click "Save". I suggest saving the file to your Desktop. After the download completes, double-click the "Firefox Setup" icon. Firefox should install normally.