My Firefox keeps on saying This Connection is untrusted
Whenever I try to go to google, Facebook, YouTube, the Firefox customize website, or any website it keeps on saying this connection is untrusted. Before it was working fine and not it's not, I tried uninstalling and stalling it again and nothing. I tried resetting it and nothing. Nothing I do seems to work. Anyone please help?
Все ответы (12)
Hi Fox_1923, if you haven't added any exceptions, you actually can view the certificate from the Add Exception dialog without adding it.
I guess i found it! it says Kaspersky. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1521208_10201506283723620_915506561_n.jpg
How can I prevent it?
there is, diginotar, entrust, equifax, gte, usertrust.
I disabled Kaspersky crypted connection scan thing and now I can view this page properly!
Hi Fox_1923, I was offline for a while.
Usually your AV vendor has a procedure to import their certificate as a trusted root certificate so that Firefox doesn't object to every single page. However, you might prefer to connect directly to the site anyway, since then you can see whether there actually is anything suspicious about the certificate. So I think you have ended up in a good place.
For future reference by other Kaspersky users, where is the setting that you changed?
Here it is :) (Settings>Other>Network)
Thanks Fox_1923, from a Google Translate screen, the section:
Kriptolu bağlantıları taraması
probably would say something like
- Scan Encrypted Connections
- Encrypted Connection Scan
in English.
The closest I could find on Kaspersky's site was this article with that dialog (where the instructions are for the proxy setting below it):
Actually, the closest match for your screen shot is Kaspersky PURE 3.0: http://support.kaspersky.com/us/9927#block1
Yes I'm using Pure 3.0, sorry for not mentioning it before.
Exactly this: http://support.kaspersky.com/us/9927#block1
correct your time and date it will be fine
Please correct time and date don`t go through hard way simple and easy check your time and dates it will work fine!
We already solved it, it's not about time and date. It's about Kaspersky.