Shockwave Flash plugin
Plug-in check says Shockwave Flash 11.1 r115 plugin is vulnerable.
when I go to the update button I get this
We're Sorry This content requires Adobe Flash Player, which is not supported by your device. This content can be viewed on a desktop computer or on mobile devices that support Flash Player.
I'm so tired of the confusion re Flash & Firefox.
How can I fix this once & for all so Flash works?
Все ответы (5)
Are you using the same plugin check site that is used in desktop versions of Firefox? It is not tuned to recognize when an older or no-longer-supported platform is running the latest version available for that platforms. Therefore, so you cannot get a "current" version for Android by its standards.
The last release for Android apparently was "Flash Player 11.1 for Android 4.0 (" per http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/archived-flash-player-versions.html
Regarding your second question, does Flash work on any sites in your Firefox for Android? I find it somewhat inconsistent.
Thanks for response.
I'm on my galaxynote 3,
I went tohttp://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/?src=external-newsletter
The plugin check website is not designed for mobile use. Adobe Flash is the only plugin on mobile to the best of my knowledge. Updating the site to work with mobile browsers is not worth the effort.
Yes, that site is going to be updated soon. I'm still not sure it will handle Android as a special case. See above response