你好,我開啟火狐時常發生網頁字體模糊的現像,雖然將滑鼠移到字體上選取就能解決,但有些許麻煩,也有重新安裝過卻沒改善,作業系統是win7 64bit,請問該如何解決?
Все ответы (1)
Hello ad777443,
Thank you for contacting Mozilla Support. I am sorry, but we're only able to provide support in English. I used google translate and it sounds like you're having an issue with setting fonts in Firefox.
I believe that Resetting your browser to the default settings should solve this issue. Please see the following article:
Reset Firefox preferences to troubleshoot and fix problems
Please let us know if this solves your issue.
Cheers, Patrick