Recover files with wdseml extension
The folders of my profile were corrupted without apparent cause. These folders and their contents (looking directly with the MS-Explorer at Windows7) does not corresponds to the content displayed at Thunderbird folders, which displays or none or only some messages. Furthermore, any mozmsgs folders contains files with names large and unintelligible (as !%26!AAAAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAvE%2B1bgVJRKvZbGQVKNZEPCgAAAEAAAAEvN9Wl6jMtPvq8AQlPK8hwBAAAAAA%3D%3D%40gmail.com, for example). I deleted the indexes files (msf), but the problem persisted! I tried recover from ImportExportTools 3.1 extension. Unfortunately, also without results! How can I do to keep my message files? I have archived messages since 2004 and would not want that to happen.
All Replies (3)
WDSEML file are just not complete mails, or at least that is my understanding. I don't have them as I use Thunderbird to find my mail not the Windows search with I find inferior.
You could try renaming one as say test.eml and dragging it into a folder in Thunderbird and see if it appears and is what you think it should be. That is drag into Thunderbird not a file system folder.
Thank you Matt!
I ended up discovering that these files are files visualization of windows7 to search the archives of the Thunderbird.
However, I also discovered that I missed the messages corresponding to these files. The corresponding files from Thunderbird simply disappeared. I tried several tools such as undelete / unerase and these files appear as neither deleted files. Somehow they were erased and overwritten.
I found that files with the extension wdseml can be renamed to eml and read like a message, but the attachments were lost.
I believe some updating Thunderbird may have caused this, since a recent update occurred. The date of this update is the same date of multiple files still present (see the MS-Explorer), precisely the date given by my lack of posts.
This tragedy upsets/saddens me much. I ended up losing almost 50,000 messages, all stored and organized by topics since 2004! At least I can recover the text of these messages, even without its attachments.
There is not anything in your anti virus quarantine is there? The inbox folder in Thunderbird is a file called inbox. The same goes for all folders, a like named file exists. (Not many files)