Some addresses are rejected; message I receive is:Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.6.1 Body type not supported by Remote Host
I am not able to send mails to certain addresses the worked perfect till Thunderbird 45 arrived. Other mails go through. With recent new addition did not solve my problem. Some times there si mention from Bit 7 and Bit6 Text I get is:From - Fri May 13 13:11:07 2016 X-Account-Key: account7 X-UIDL: 24324 X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 X-Mozilla-Keys: Return-Path: <> Original-Recipient: rfc822;beckers1@hetnet.nl Received: from cpxmta-msg05.kpnxchange.com ( by cpxmbs-msg02.support.local (8.6.142)
id 570D83960143F09E for beckers1@hetnet.nl; Fri, 13 May 2016 13:11:02 +0200
Received: from cpsmtpb-ews06.kpnxchange.com ( by cpxmta-msg05.kpnxchange.com (
id 5704472904A7124F for beckers1@hetnet.nl; Fri, 13 May 2016 13:11:02 +0200
From: postmaster@cpsmtpb-ews06.kpnxchange.com To: beckers1@hetnet.nl Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 13:11:02 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status; boundary="9B095B5ADSN=_01D1AC5C6FE89DAC0000EC97cpsmtpb?ews06.kp" X-DSNContext: 7ce717b1 - 1196 - 00000002 - 00000000 Message-ID: <IxkcY4lX0000040a6@cpsmtpb-ews06.kpnxchange.com> Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
This is a MIME-formatted message. Portions of this message may be unreadable without a MIME-capable mail program.
--9B095B5ADSN=_01D1AC5C6FE89DAC0000EC97cpsmtpb?ews06.kp Content-Type: text/plain; charset=unicode-1-1-utf-7
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients failed.
Content-Type: message/delivery-status
Reporting-MTA: dns;cpsmtpb-ews06.kpnxchange.com Received-From-MTA: dns;cpsps-ews28.kpnxchange.com Arrival-Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 13:11:02 +0200
Final-Recipient: rfc822;Jeu.Lochs@sittard-geleen.nl Action: failed Status: 5.6.1 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.6.1 Body type not supported by Remote Host
--9B095B5ADSN=_01D1AC5C6FE89DAC0000EC97cpsmtpb?ews06.kp Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers
From: Jo Gerardu <beckers1@hetnet.nl> To: "Lochs, Jeu" <Jeu.Lochs@sittard-geleen.nl> Message-ID: <c99a7392-cb5e-7639-0444-1780b8cd743a@hetnet.nl> Subject: Re: FW: Abshoven
Chosen solution
Try this:
'Tools' > 'Options' > 'Advanced' > 'General' tab or 'Menu icon' > 'Options' > 'Options' > 'Advanced' > 'General' tab
- click on 'Config Editor' button...it will tell you to be careful :)
- in top search type: mime
- look for this line: mail.strictly_mime
- double click on that line to toggle 'false' to 'True'
- close config editor - top right X
- click on OK
- Restart thunderbird.
All Replies (1)
Chosen Solution
Try this:
'Tools' > 'Options' > 'Advanced' > 'General' tab or 'Menu icon' > 'Options' > 'Options' > 'Advanced' > 'General' tab
- click on 'Config Editor' button...it will tell you to be careful :)
- in top search type: mime
- look for this line: mail.strictly_mime
- double click on that line to toggle 'false' to 'True'
- close config editor - top right X
- click on OK
- Restart thunderbird.