How do I stop mail from being marked as read on a second computer with thunderbird
Hi All,
Looking for a little help,I have thunderbird set up on 4 different computers (4 different retail outlets) with multiple email accounts on all,so that I or anyone else can keep tabs on all going on.Also there is various iphones connected to the accounts to. evrything has been converted to IMAP from old POP3 . So when a mail or online order email is sent to a particular email address,lets say Retail outlet 1 ,this mail is specifically for this outlet,and will be picked up and processed by the staff there.However if I as manager am in retail outlet 2,3,or 4 and I am first to view this particular mail,then it will be automatically be marked as "read" on Retail outlet 1 computer / thunderbird leaving the situation where A member of staff there may look at the screen and think there is no new mail for them. I know I can mark them as unread again myself but I am still risking someone missing a mail in the time when I read it and mark it unread again. I know its just emails but in my case it is not it is online orders / queries from websites in the form of emails that cannot be missed or messed up, So what I would ideally like is that mail on particular accounts is not automatically marked as read just because it is opened ,but rather when it is manually marked as read or the green dot is clicked to marked it as read. Thanks in Advance for any suggestions
All Replies (3)
There's a setting in Thunderbird under Preferences > Display > Advanced that lets you toggle whether messages are automatically marked as read. So you could just turn that function off. I'm not sure whether the server would mark messages as read if they are downloaded to a machine, but it would be worth a try anyway.
Thanks amanchesterman I have tried this and it does sort of work it just means everyone has to manually mark messages as read,and it is a general setting so all accounts on each thunderbird / terminal has this setting applied,I was just wondering could you isolate it to particular accounts
The server for my email account has a setting: when to mark a message as read. I can reach it thru webmail / settings.