Cum pot sa instalez Verimatrix ViewRight de la TELEKOM si sa il activez in Firefox?
Pentru a vizuliza Televiziunea Online de la TELEKOMTV este necesara instalarea addon-ului ViewRight de la Verimatrix. Problema este ca dupa instalare si verificare in Windows7 a fpatului ca respective aplicatie este instalata, Firefox-ul nu o are in lista de addon-uri si practic in momentul in care selectez programul TV online pe care doresc sa il vizualizez imi apare din nou mesajul ca trebuie sa instalez aplicatia in cauza fara sa pot vizulaiza programul TV respective.
All Replies (1)
Just trying to figure this out, not sure if can help or not. OK , Translation is below : _________________________ To view the Online TV from TELEKOMTV, you need to install Verimatrix's ViewRight addon. The problem is that after installing and checking in Windows7 that the application is installed, Firefox does not have it in the add-on list, and basically when I select the online TV program I want to view, I get the message again that I have to install the application without being able to watch the respective TV program. __________________________________________________________
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