Thunderbird errored out and marked all messages as read!
I am about to loose my mind! Thunderbird just marked all messages across 19 email accounts as unread. I had about 50 emails marked as unread to come back. I run and support over 70 organizations and I was just checking my email and I accidentally deleted a message I wanted to look at. It was a newsletter but I wanted to see it again so I clicked what I always do in these cases CNTR Z. All the sudden the system froze, and then had all messages selected and froze again. I closed Thunderbird and restarted it. When I got back up, the system had zero messages unread. I am putting on a huge festival for over 4000 people in 5 months and I had multiple messages from vendors and volunteers to get back to and so many other important emails marked to go back to. I AM SCREWED!!!!
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Update. This error has caused a script error which has made both my laptop and desktop Thunderbirds unresponsive! What on earth! All that I did was a simple cntrl Z which I have done thousands of times in my past. It is late and I really did not want a HUGE project before bed to make it so i have functional email for tomorrow. :( I have loved Thunderbird forever but this is so beyond frustrating. I leave messages as unread just so I do not have to think about them again for a while. I have no idea what the messages were anymore, only that they were incredibly important. Some messages were 6 months to a few years old.