Evo 4G on Sprint - Cannot find app in marketplace. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
Phone is not rooted. According to web site EVO 4G is supported. Is this maybe a Sprint problem? Any suggestions of how to work round it?
All Replies (5)
Did you check the System requirements details ? You can find it in the Market at https://market.android.com/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox_beta.
Yes, I checked system requirements. Marketplace keeps telling me " requested item not found". The EVO 4G is on the list of tested devices, so this does not make sense to me. It must also be noted that the EVO has a Snapdragon processor and not ARM, although they should be compatible.
Eventually did a manual install from the FireFox website which seems to be working fine. Still would like to get to the bottom of this so I can get automatic updates.
You should be able to install from the Android Market on that device. Unfortunately we have very little control over what the Android Market returns for searches. You could try the following.
- Press the home button
- Press the menu button
- Select settings
- Select Applications
- Select All applications
- Find Market and select it
- Press the clear cache and clear data buttons
"It must also be noted that the EVO has a Snapdragon processor and not ARM"
Actually the 1 GHz Qualcomm QSD8650 (Snapdragon) cpu is a ARMv7 type. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snapdragon_(processor)