Cannot reliably access Gmail with Firefox 9 - still crashes!
Gmail still causing Firefox 9 to crash and no replies from anyone at Firefox yet!
I'm running FF 9 on Vista Home Premium, Windows 7 and XP machines. Crashes occur intermittently across all platforms but worse on Vista.
Sometimes Gmail logs in but crashes when I try to select a message. Other times I get a little further but it crashes when I try to reply to a message or composes a new one.
Please, don't keep us hanging around... if you know there's a problem but haven't got a solution yet, PLEASE JUST SAY SO and help all us users find a workaround instead of hanging around on these forums waiting for a fix.
All Replies (2)
You can try to access Gmail without the Gmail labs feature and see if the problem goes away: https://mail.google.com/mail/?labs=0 If it works then perhaps a labs feature is problem. http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=97386
Also, try accessing after clearing the cache: Ctrl + Shift + Del or Tools (Alt + T) > Clear Recent History, choose Everything in Time range to clear and Cache in Details. Clear Recent History
If all fails please also try accessing in Safe Mode
Thanks for your help Vivek.Wilfred - much appreciated
I use Firefox in private browsing mode as standard so not sure what difference the history might makes.
As to your other suggestions, again thanks. But, what tech companies just don't seem to 'get' is that the majority of users just want to use the tools 'as advertised'. I have my Gmail set up as I want it... yes with a lab turned on to translate emails.
I'm not switching it off or indeed spending a day trying to unpick something that should have been checked before FF9 was released. I suspect many users hold the same opinion.
Firefox guys, if your tool doesn't work with one of the largest email providers on the planet, I'm not about to spend 48 hours playing with it so that it can deliver a sub-optimal experience. I'm just going to use Chrome.