why in new version of Firefox (v20) if i forget and close Firefox my files that are downloading will stop and Firefox download manager not open ?
why in new version of Firefox (v20) if i forget and close Firefox my files that are downloading will stop and Firefox download manager not open ? this is important because the files that are downloading and not be able to resume and will be stop if i forget and close Firefox
All Replies (7)
You can open the all Downloads Window. Click the Download button, then click "Show all Downloads"
thanks i know it but in previous version of Firefox downloads window automatically opened if If i closed all tabs and I've forgotten that my files are downloading. but in this version if i close all tabs my downloads will stop !!!
thanks i tested it and i change browser.download.manager.quitBehavior value to 2 and now a pop up windows remind me for the files are downloding . notice : it is for canceling downloads if you exit your download will be canceled ;)
I think from better to bad soft... the version 10, if i close Firefox, the tab download windows continue to download till ends it. But in the new version really i dont like so i return to istall the old version 10. Sorry for the company but hope they make better the firefox. I will never install the new version untill they fix the error.
dear Company of Firefox dont u see lot people got problems with ur new version, why u not consider it , or u like many people changes software ?
None of these replies or replies to similar threads are helpful. This behavior is simply a pain in the butt. I don't mind that the download window has been relocated, but apparently the consequence prohibits automatically opening a separate window for downloading.
You guys broke it, now fix it, dammit! There should be no reason to keep the whole browser open just to continue a download that has been started.