Anyone help with this please - worked fine until yesterday - "Easy You Tube Downloader is not compatible with Firefox 22
Worked fine with v 21 - Firefox must have just upgraded - anyone know how to fix this or what's happening to the Easy you Tube Download add-on please
All Replies (20)
I have used Flash Video Downloader 3.9.3 with Firefox 22 with no problems. It is easy to use, fast and has never failed. Go to add-ons type flash video downloader in the search box. It adds a small arrow next to the location bar. When you play a video it can download ( have not found one it cannot yet ) it turns blue, click on the blue arrow, click download - a save media file opens, you can change the title if you want, click save. Reduce the download box to a icon ( if you choose full size box ). Check on progress of download by clicking on arrow to right of google search box. Files are saved to your downloads file. Let me know if this helps.
PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NOW A NEW VERSION OF EASY YOU TUBE DOWNLOADER THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH FIPRFOX 22. Flash Video Downloader does not have the necessary audio features. Updated 7/18/2013 @ 1pm EST
Thank you David - most helpful, not fussy which downloader I use, just as long as it works and this one seems to be fine - many thanks
Hi Gillei,
You are my first unqualified successful answer!
You made my day, thanks. David241
AAah David - only downloading in a video format - I only want audio and now can't extract it whereas the easy youtube downloader gave me the option of audio - Any ideas please
Gillei, just got your message, it is very late here in PA, hope you get this message. I noticed on the first page of add-ons an item called Fire Tube (youtube music player) I read the reviews and some people have problems with the download button. You can also try typing in : MP4 You Tube Downloader in the add-on search box it seems to be the closest to your old - you tube downloader. Let me know which one you choose or preforms up to your expectations. To remove Flash Video Downloader click add-ons then extensions then click remove.
Now using Freemake Video Downloader and have it set to one click download - extract audio - super quick and so far so good. Cheers
I found it online, I think I will try it. I want you to know I have been told by the administrators ( really just one of them ) to never recommend outside software even if it is free in this forum. That is why I only recommend official firefox add-ons. I'm very happy you found a product you need and enjoy. :)
I had similar problems. I registered just so I could tell everyone I am so fed up with Firefox not working! Today my updater crashed and in the process just erased the whole program. All my bookmarks are gone, so THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW MOZILLA. I am now the proud convert to GOOGLE CHROME AND THANKS FOR NOTHING! NINE YEARS OF FIREFOX DOWN THE DRAIN! NO MORE COMPATIBILITY ISSUES, NO MORE ADD ONS STOP WORKING AFTER UPDATING, NONE OF THAT! GOODBYE, FOREVER, BABY!
I believe someone is possibly reading every post I send. I wonder if anyone else will respond to your post? I respect your opinion, it seems there are other people out there who share your views.
I had the same problem...bookmarks gone and pocket pages gone and now video downloader no longer works....Updates to Firefox 21 AND 22 totally deleted my profile .... I have used and recommended Firefox for years...but not now....
Oh and not one word from customer "support".....
I hope they are still watching my posts. Maybe this will get their attention. I just want an easy way to print my bookmarks in the format displayed by Firefox. Seems it could be easy to add a item to organize - print bookmarks. Bet you wish you had that printout right now.
We might need to start a new question thread to get their attention. I am trying to come up with a question they will not shut down immediately. I did not mean to start a revolt. How about : DO YOU WANT TO VENT ABOUT FIREFOX? What do you think?
I totally agree...so far I have not heard one word from Firefox about any kind of fix on the way....the apps developers have responded and seem to be working on the problems that Firefox seems to ignoring.....
I tried this and it does work with Firefox 22...so far.....
If you go to add-ons then type in easy you tube downloader in the search box it clearly states not compatible with Firefox 22. If it works anyway I am not surprised. Do not breathe on your computer too hard.
"If you go to add-ons then type in easy you tube downloader in the search box it clearly states not compatible with Firefox 22"...
That only showed up yesterday when I tried to download a video.....it worked a few days ago....*head desk
If you look up higher on this question string you will find the solution of the question owner. I am not making any recommendations. Look up there and go to freemake.com - it is your decision, but she seems happy. I want to point out Firefox has some very fine and hopefully functional video add-ons.
To Easy Youtube Downloader users:
Do you want to try version 6.9, posted yesterday with fixes for Firefox 22? This forthcoming version has not been fully reviewed yet, but it is available from the "versions" page.
Note: I haven't tried it myself.
I will say that Firefox for me served a useful purpose from 2004 until 2013, when I switched to Chrome, just like I gave up on Internet Explorer in 2004 and switched to Firefox. When updates themselves become the problem and cause add-ons to stop working or crash, the only logical solution is to use a browser that does not have such problems. I specifically ordered Firefox NOT to update because the updates cause my add ons to behave erratically or stop working. Emotions have nothing to do with it, I want my browser to work all the time and want full control over my browsing choices, including the choice NOT to update. It's really sad when updating fixes something that did not need to be fixed in the first place, when updates cause more problems than they solve. That's all I'm saying, no offense.