60fps lock with aero disabled
On Windows 7, if you disable aero(windows basic) or use the classic theme, firefox reverts to 60fps. This is very anoyying as it's very unsmooth on my 144hz display.
Chrome works fine at 144hz with the classic theme, scrolling and everything is extremely smooth.
Opera works fine, so does IE.
http://www.testufo.com/#test=framerates also is a good way to test, it only shows up as 60fps when aero is disabled for windows 7. when I turn it back on, it goes to 144hz.
Chrome/IE/opera do not have this issue
All Replies (6)
i know other people use windows classic and have 120hz or greater monitors, surely this wouldn't be difficult to overcome?
Hi jiggly
I have the exact same problem to you. I'm a PC gamer and want to extract extreme performance for FPS gaming by turning aero off in order not to make input lag.
When you find any solution for this, please write it here. Thanks.
unfortunately no... but I just went to windows 8.1 and that doesn't even have aero. I get the full 144fps my monitor supports.
Win8.1 runs better than Win 7 no aero, and obviously much faster than Win7 aero.
I heard that after Windows8, Aero is builted-in, so you cannot turn it off. However you seem to successfully test "testufo.com" on Windows8.1, don't you?
Windows 8.1/8 don't have aero. They don't have window transparency. The UI performance is way better than Windows 7. I get 144fps on the ufo test.
Oh, my mistake. Windows8/8.1 cannot disable dwm.exe, not Aero. Sorry. Anyway I'm happy to have reply from you. Thanks for useful comments!