Why does the GPO setting for "Disable Developer Tools = disabled" not take effect when mozilla.cfg "devtools.policy.disabled = true"?
Our organization currently runs FirefoxESR versions and uses mozilla.cfg to control some lock down that are not available using the GPO. Below is the setting in question:
- mozilla.cfg lockPref("devtools.policy.disabled", true); - GPO deviation setting Computer > Policies > Admin Templates > Mozilla > Firefox Disable Developer Tools = Disabled
When the computer updates the policies and users launch Firefox, Developer Tools is missing as an option. Below are the results after gpupdate /force:
- about:config devtools.policy.disabled > locked > true - Registry (regedit) HKLM\Software\Policies\Mozilla\Firefox DisableDeveloperTools = 0
THANKS Everyone!
Všetky odpovede (1)
I'm a little confused by what you are trying to accomplish.
Are you trying to disable developer tools via Autoconfig and enable them via policies?
Because you have DisableDeveloperTools set to 0.