Thunderbird version 91.0.3 (Linux Mint 20.2) accepted meetings do not preserve links when added to the calendar
When an MS-Teams meeting invite (might apply to other meeting systems too?) email is accepted, the event is added to the calendar as expected.
The event's description is populated from the email and includes the section containing the meeting link, but the link is not preserved, either as a clickable item or even the plain text, so you have to go find the original email to navigate to the meeting.
It would be good if the meeting link was carried into the calendar event description.
Nothing in the attached image is clickable.
Všetky odpovede (4)
It looks like this was fixed in 88beta, so I expect it was fixed in the 91 release ( fixed: Calendar: HTML rendering in event descriptions restored). Apparently not, unless your problem is not the same as the one discussed here:
Thanks for spotting that - I did scan the release notes and fixes but obviously not too well!
Reading the Bugzilla report referenced, it does seem like it may be a parsing error. I have saved the entire email as a .eml file for future reference a the (I believe) relevant part is below. Shall I submit a new bug report?
___________________________________________________________________________= _____ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19= %3ameeting_[SNIP]tYTgxZ[SNIP]I3[*SNIP*]-[SNIP]%22%7d> Learn More<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting> | Meeting options<https://teams= .microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=3Dbde2130a-f3be-4b8a-95c5-1c1e97= 02b0bc&tenantId=[SNIP]-029cf8b[SNIP]&threadId=3D19_meetin= g_Ym[SNIP]S00YjIzLWI3[SNIP]&= language=3Den-US> ___________________________________________________________________________= _____
Upravil(a) nigel.kendrick dňa
I would recommend you submit your issue to the report cited above to get the fastest reply.
Submitted as bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1729127