Lost link to main Address Books
Since the upgrade to v102.3.2, only my 'Collected Address Book' is linked to the Recipient field when composing an email. The settings are unaltered, with Local Address Books selected. How do I restore the link to my Main Address Book, that includes all other Books in Thunderbird?
Všetky odpovede (4)
There seems to be some change in Thunderbird when I used it this morning. The tab for "Address Book" has disappeared and it is now also impossible to right-click an e-address and EDIT it after adding it. This seems to be a glitch in your upgrade.
I have the same problem with losing my address book What's the solution? Lou Filo
I have the same issue. I use running Linux Mint as operating system, without change. Tried changing the default address book to 'All address Books' or Personal Address Book: no change. Uploaded all the addresses again: no change, except now I have duplicate of all the entries in the address book.
I use Linux Mint as operating system. Yestreday I installed Thunderbird (flatpack), which added a second Thunderbird app to my computer. This version DOES autopopulate the 'TO:' field as we'd like. But this is a new installation, so all my past messages and folders and other data are not linked to it. For now I use the original Thunderbird to receive and read incoming messages; 'replying' to a received message is easy. But if I want to write a new message, I switch to the flatpack installation. This isn't an acceptable long term solution, but it's made my life a little easier.