Thunderbird/Profile File
Weds. 4.26.2023
My Computer: Lenovo T490 OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version: 10.0.19045 Thunderbird client 102.10.1 (64-bit)
From a previously owned PC computer, I have a folder on my T490 computer desktop, that contains the folders from the following directory C:\Users\dmitt\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird
The Thunderbird ( 25MBytes) folder contains the following folders: Crash Reports Pending Pings Profiles install.ini
I “understand” that above Profiles folder contains emails, contacts and Address books data. How do I Import the "old" Profile file data to my Thunderbird client connected to a Cornell University iMap server ?
Please send email to Dan Mittler dm68@cornell.edu or call 607 227.7393
Thank you.
Všetky odpovede (1)
Assuming you want to use the old profile, and not the current profile, do this: - make the old profile available, such as on a USB stick. create the copy when Thunderbird is NOT running - on the university server, select tools>import>import from another installation and then select the desired profile within the ...appdata\thunderbird\profiles folder
with thunderbird installed and not running on university computer copy the ...appdata\thunderbird folder to the same location on university computer then start thunderbird.