Firefox 4 can't open a certain website (www.511ny.org) - says it is application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
Firefox 4 can't open a certain website (www.511ny.org) and a dialog box opens and says this page is: application/vnd.wap.xhtm+xml. It asks me if I want to save it or open it with another application. If I open with IE I get the source code and if I open with FF I get a very broken site. If I go directly to www.511ny.org in other browsers (IE, Opera, and earlier versions of FF) it views fine. I'm not a techie so I'm not sure what is going on. Any ideas?
Všetky odpovede (6)
Try clearing your caches: How to clear the Firefox cache.
It looks like the server was sending the wrong headers.
If that doesn't fix it, go to Tools > Options > Applications and see if you have any lines corresponding to vnd.wap.xhtm+xml and select it and select the default option
Hi. Thanks for the suggestions. I cleared the cache (typically I always set it to clear when I close anyway), but I still got the request to save or open the file. When I went to the Tools>Options>Applications I did find the application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml file, but the default option is to "Always ask".
I did a little reading and it looks like this vnd.wap.xhtml+xml is a MIME type. Is that right? Looking at this page (http://www.developershome.com/wap/wapServerSetup/tutorial.asp?page=whatIsMIME) does this mean that FF4 needs to tweak something or the website I'm trying to visit or me tweaking my browser?
Hmmmm, I think I need to install an plugin (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/xhtml-mobile-profile/)--So now I can see the site, but the mobile version. Strange. Really not sure what is going on here.
Upravil(a) sfkendrick dňa
This problem has been identified by our vendor and will be fixed shortly (hopefully today). This is not a problem with Firefox 4, but in the user-agent detection (I believe). I will post an update when its fixed.
PS: If you cant wait for the fix, you can switch your user-agent using this Firefox add-on: User Agent Switcher
Thanks Bill!
The problem has been fixed.
@sfkendrick: The user-agent detection was incorrectly identifying FF4 as a mobile browser, in turn redirecting to a mobile version. That is why your work around was successful. We are now correctly identifying FF4 so you should be able to remove the add-on you installed.