Is it normal for Firefox Mobile to refresh the Android home screen?
Firefox always causes my Android home screen to refresh every time I close out of it. Why does this happen is it normal?
Note: I have an HTC Merge. this happens even with a fresh install of FF with no add on's.
Upravil(a) Baldape dňa
Všetky odpovede (17)
is this an issue?
Yeah now more so than lately because this bug seems to conflict with other apps like Wallpaper Wizardrii or Video Live Wallpaper infact to today FF crashed and give me a error message saying that it had trouble loading a webpage (note: this happened on more than one site it gave me two choices either close the tab or reload it) that I never had trouble loading before I think something is wrong with my Firefox Mobile.
Upravil(a) Baldape dňa
Baldape -- I do think it's normal. It has been like that for a long time, at least on my EVO 4G.. I doubt there's anything Mozilla can do about it.
oooh, that is a problem.
try to make the program reload apps at startup.
White screen with green HTC, take 10-20 seconds to reload all the shortcuts and widgets? This is a known problem after an HTC Sense update about a year ago. I've gotten it from the stock browser (which is the default) and various apps, but whatever causes the first crash, it usually just gets worse and worse until I restart the device. Would love a solution.
Examples from an Android forum:
Thunderbolt: White screen with HTC logo - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com, white "htc screen" - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
EVO Shift 4G: white screen green htc logo - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com
Well why is it that certain sites/web pages soddenly work on minute than I get this error message I never had this problem before on Wikipedia for example but today I was on there and looking at the release history of Firefox and I was over half way down the list and it crashes this never happened before not to mention when this happens it causes certain bugs in my wallpaper apps depending on which one I'm using for example if I'm using Wallpaper Wizardrii it causes the no scroll effect to stop working.
You mean a factory restart?
You mean a factory restart?
Just a reboot: hold the power button until you get the Power Off / Airplane mode / Restart menu, and choose Restart.
That's what I thought but I tried that in the past and it doesn't help heck I even tried it today and no luck shoot I also tried ADW just a minute ago and that didn't help either so I guess no FF Mobile for me then instead Ill just use Dolphin HD I didn't notice any issues with that browser well no more than the stock browser.
Baldape -- I love Firefox Desktop but its mobile just has too many problems, especially it's much slower than Dolphin HD. The refresh problem was fixed for a very short time and it kept coming back. As of now, I use Dolphin almost exclusively but do use FF once awhile, hoping that one of these days, Mozilla will fix the problems as I do like FF. If you use Xmarks for FF Desktop, you can sync all FF bookmarks with Xmarks for Dolphin HD as well.
Cool how much does it cost to use Xmarks? Because I was thinking or using either GBookmarks or GMarks( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gbookmarks-google-bookmarks-fo/?src=search | https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gmarks/?src=search ) and on my Android phone I would use Bookmarks to SD https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.mgeek.BookmarkPlugin&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm1vYmkubWdlZWsuQm9va21hcmtQbHVnaW4iXQ..
Xmarks is free and you can download the desktop version here:
You can install the mobile version from the Play Store, it costs $12 a year which is the Premium version of Xmarks:
Interesting so it's charged to my Google account right and this is guaranteed to work?
Yes, It'll be charged to your Google account. There's no guarantee of anything. It works for my HTC EVO 4G, that's all I can tell you. You should read the reviews of this app in Play Store before you go ahead and buy it. Of course, you'll have to install as an add-on in Dolphin HD as well.
Will it sync/save all my Firefox bookmarks including unsorted bookmarks to the stock browser? Because I heard that it doesn't save the unsorted bookmarks to the stock browser instead it requires you to always keep it synced to Xmarks in order access them I mean from what I read there still visible but there only on the Xmarks site listed as xmarks.
This is not for the stock browser, it's for Dolphin HD. Xmarks does not import any sub-folders, you have to go to Xmarks add-on and click on ALL BOOKMARKS to find them. As I said, read the reviews and it'll give you much more information.