some websites show my location wrong zip code, how do I change zip code?
At some websites firefox shows me as located at a wrong zip code. Where does it get this information and how do I change it so it comes up with the correct zip code?
Checked these:
http://whatismyipaddress.com/ http://browserspy.dk/geolocation.php
First one is correct & the the 2nd one is NOT....
Všetky odpovede (2)
Which of the locations is wrong on the second (browserspy) link?
The IP based map should show that same location as whatismyipaddress.
The Geolocation Based Map is empty for me (Latitude is undefined; Longitude is undefined) and may only work properly if you use a wireless connection to a known hotspot.
The first shows my correct city....
The second shows a city that is 20miles from me...