html5 video poster images dimmed, this is bad
This is not a question, but a request.
The HTML5 video player in your browser is awesome. I have one problem with it, however. The poster image is dimmed out. This is not good for artists like me. I need my poster image at the same brightness as the original file.
Please change your HTML5 video player to display the poster image at full brightness.
Thank you
Všetky odpovede (3)
I think you can add a css code to this attribute if you are using the HTML video player: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_video_poster.asp
This code may also suppress it: http://help.videojs.com/discussions/q.../1045-change-video-poster-image
Feedback can be sent directly to the developers as well: If you want to leave feedback for Firefox developers, you can go to the Firefox Help menu and select Submit Feedback... or use this link. (You'll need to be on the latest version of Firefox to submit feedback). Your feedback gets collected at http://input.mozilla.org/, where a team of people read it and gather data about the most common issues.
Thank you for your reply, but I don't see anything in the
Assuming that video.js is the HTML5 player incorporated into Firefox, there is no option to control the brightness, as shown on this documentation page:
I will submit the suggestion via the Help menu.
Thank you dryodryo