How do I change the tab color back to white?
Until today my tabs were white; now they are the color of my desktop and therefore invisible. The text and favicons show up but not the tabs, they have gone chameleon. I want to change the tab color back to white.
Všetky odpovede (18)
You could try another theme and see if that works out.
The background color doesn't matter - the tabs take on whatever color it is. Do you mean a different Firefox theme? If so, how do I do that?
The background color doesn't matter - the tabs take on whatever color it is. Do you mean a different Firefox theme? If so, how do I do that?
I do mean change the theme for FF itself. Have a look at this url
Love the ability to change themes, but the tabs are still invisible, except for the active one which is white; the rest are all just words against whatever the background theme is with no actual tab visible. They all used to be white. If you look at the link you sent, they all have white tabs against the background except for the first one which at least is shaded. What I have is literally no visible tabs, regardless of theme. Very hard to read and deal with.
Can you post a screenshot of this and also of your Appearance and Personalisation settings. See screenshot of what I mean.
this is a screenshot of my invisible tabs. I can't get to that menu on windows 8 somehow, still trying.
Here it is with a different theme - makes the point a little better
If you run the default FF theme then the background of the tabs will be the same color as you have picked in Windows 8 under color in my screenshot.
Here is how you can access it
OK, I changed my theme through windows - thanks for that! made it pale green. went back to FF and changed theme back to default. Both grabs are attached. the tabs aren't tabs - do you see what I mean? only the active one is. they all used to be tabbish... this is better though than against a colorful theme so a step in the right direction!
I share your disdain for this horrid tab change kws9. In case you haven't heard about it yet, you can install this addon to bring the tabs and look of FF back to the way it was -- https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/.
It's seriously the only thing that kept me from giving up on this browser for good. Hope it works well for you also.
Firefox somehow managed to do an update yesterday and has a new color scheme for the tabs which now makes them indistinguishable from the background color. Wow, this change must have come directly from moron number 1 himself; no one else could be this stupid.
It's unfortunate that FF users must now rely on add-ons created by others to fix Mozilla's errors.
This change is absolutely horrible.
Oh, but didn't you hear? They did it so our tabs wouldn't be so "distracting." *rolls eyes*
It really is one of the dumbest updates FF has ever had, no question about it. Good thing we have some talented amateur developers willing to clean up their messes, the best they can.
There is nothing distracting about being able to identify the actual tabs so yeah, they screwed the pooch on this one.
Wholeheartedly agree.
Now excuse me while I restart firefox after the latest update, to see what all it screwed up this time.
Don't know that this is related, but after installing this add-on (Classicthemerestorer) I got Conduit.
Upravil(a) BFrank1 dňa
That is exactly why I am extremely cautious about installing any add-ons; getting way more than you bargained for.
I opened Internet Explorer for the first time in months. Compared to FF, IE is looking pretty good right now.
There's an arctic fox theme that puts the tabs on a white background.