Apple Movie Trailers website (http://trailers.apple.com/) gives this msg: "To view this video please use the latest version of Safari"
Apple Movie Trailers website (http://trailers.apple.com/) gives this msg: "To view this video please use the latest version of Safari" when I click on any of the movie sub pages. I'm using El Capitan (10.11.4).
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Hey Juggling and welcome to the Firefox Support Forums
Unfortunately Apple has its little ways of keeping people using its products, and this is one of them ways. Sadly until abble deems us worthy its unable to see the new trailers unless you use an iphone, ipad or mac.
Hope this clears things up.
All the best Brad
I don't see a message about requiring Safari. The site loads just fine with Firefox. However, to play the videos the Quicktime plugin is required.