pdf corrupting when forwarded
When forwarding a message when using a filter a PDF attachment is always corrupted when received.
Have tried other solutions mentioned elsewhere and they have no affect at all.
They are set to 'Filter after Junk Classification'.
if we Forward the email manually with it's PDF attachment it can be opened and read as normal on receipt, just not when forwarded with a filter.
As we are using the IMAP and not a POP system I wonder if it is because the file has not been downloaded, which I think it would be if it was on a POP system, therefore we are trying to forwarded a non existent file. Or maybe we are trying to tell the server to forward the email and it's refusing to carry out this particular function in a satisfactory way.
If the latter is the case if an email is being forwarded via a filter and it has an attachment/s they need to be temporarily downloaded then re-sent and then deleted.
We have to use IMAP so that the emails can be managed on various separate systems.
Not being a practising programmer I think I shall leave it to the experts to solve. In the meantime this facility is completely useless and unless it is cured quickly we will have to look for an alternative.
Regards Adrian
Vsi odgovori (5)
My guess is the download is not complete. try adding a filter test for something really silly in the message body like " " or an A. something every single message would have, or does not contain a string that will never occur like "XCVBNMNM<>" as the body will have to be downloaded to check, that might work.
So you are suggesting that the settings are something like:
Apply filter when: Getting New mail - Filter after junk classification
Match any of the Following: Subject begins with - 'Your invoice from SagePay' Body Contains - qwertyuiop
Perform these actions: Forward Message to - someone@there.com Move Message to - DONE on Local Folders
I will give this a try but I wonder if when it matches the first conditional it will then perform the set of actions. It would essentially be an IF, AND OR, THEN - would it not.
Regards Adrian
It would be an AND To determine if the action applies, all the criteria in the select part have to be met. Normally with IMAP accounts only the message header is downloaded when a filter is applied, using body forces the body to download before it can be applied.
Hi Matt,
Can't quite see how it is a strict AND if we are asking it to:
Match any of the Following:
Bye-the-bye, I will give it a try when I get into the office and check it out when the next instance occurs.
Thank you for your assistance and discussion.
Regards Adrian
In the example above the first line and the second line make an implicit AND (Subject contains ebay) AND (Body does not contain whenesderdeesder)
If Match any of the following were selected it would be (Subject contains ebay) OR (Body does not contain whenesderdeesder)
I hope that explains.