When will CoolPreviews work with Firefox again?
I've WAITED and WAITED - for the latest Firefox browsers to work with CoolPreviews. I even avoided updating Firefox (since v41!) because CoolPreviews didn't work with anything later.
Well, I'm tired of waiting... I'm doing the switch - though I really didn't want to - to Chrome. Chrome's latest version has a compatible, working extension called "ezLinkPreview", which - for all intents and purposes - does pretty much what CoolPreviews did for me in Firefox - It would open up a smaller window, so as to be able to 'Preview' the link - BEFORE actually opening up the link in a new tab (or window).
That does it for me. Never mind that I don't get to have 'ColorfulTabs', or even 3 rows of tabs... The more important add-on by far - the ability to 'preview' links - takes precedence over ALL - and Chrome right now does the job.
Bye bye, Firefox... Sad though it may be - because I stuck with you through EVERYTHING - I must part ways at this particular juncture... You're just not doing it for me....
Get CoolPreviews back working in your LATEST VERSIONS - and maybe I'll come crawling back....
Thank you for listening...
Vsi odgovori (4)
Hi !
Please, don't blame Firefox, cause CoolPreviews is no longer supported by its publisher : https://www.coolpreviews.com/
From the description, this add-on seems pretty similar and maybe you'd like to give it a try :
Yeah..... Thanks, Happy112 - but I already tried 'Interclue', and it's just too complicated compared to 'CoolPreviews' (and 'ezLinkPreview' for Chrome...). Just too many doo-dads and whatsitz - when all I want is a simple little icon that appears when I hover my mouse over a link (as in CoolPreveiws & ezLinkPreview) that I can then hover my mouse over to have a window pop up quickly to 'preview' the link... Interclue kind of does it - but in an extremely cludgy way. I've heard other 'CoolPreviews' users say the same thing....
I don't blame Firefox per se, but - it DOES boil down to the fact that Firefox is not working for me anymore without CoolPreviews... Sad but true. :(
MrSmartyPants said
I don't blame Firefox per se, but - it DOES boil down to the fact that Firefox is not working for me anymore without CoolPreviews... Sad but true. :(
You're saying 'Goodbye' to the best browser on the planet because you can't preview links ...... ? That is sad ........
Hi MrSmartyPants, Firefox has improved compatibility with Chrome extensions in recent versions (it gets better with each version), but Chrome extension authors need to test, tweak, and submit them to the Firefox Add-ons site to make them available to Firefox users. Hopefully this one or something like it will come to Firefox soon.
By the way, I'm curious whether you often find "mixed content blocking" to be a problem with ezLinkPreview -- when you want to preview an HTTP link from within an HTTPS page -- or do you use the workaround of bypassing Chrome's mixed content protection?