Since installing most recent version of Firefox (OS Win 10) Microsoft Store launches randomly while using Firefox
I installed the most recent update of Firefox today, and now whenever I'm using Firefox, all of a sudden Microsoft Store launches. At first it would happen whenever I tried launching Firefox, but now it just seems to happen randomly with no rhyme or reason. My cursor is nowhere near the Microsoft Store button, so it's not like I'm just accidentally launching it. I'd appreciate any insight as to what to do to keep it from happening, as it slows things down when it happens (and it's just annoying).
Vsi odgovori (1)
Just a fyi : if did not know : https://www.howtogeek.com/333110/how-to-customize-firefox-quantum-and-remove-the-white-space-around-the-title-bar/
You say slow things down, may not be that : Go to the Firefox 3 Bar Menu --> Help ? --> Troubleshooting Information Page and take a look in the Accessibility section if accessibility is set to "true" there. if yes, go to the Firefox 3 Bar Menu --> Options --> Privacy & Security panel and under Permissions check the setting to Prevent Accessibility Services from accessing your browser.
Store should not do that so follow the rest for security and privacy and not use up bandwidth if paying for it.
Suggest going into System and going through every single one and turn off everything you do not need or do not want to share. Sharing your cam and microphone is not a good idea.
Also uninstall anything you do not use in each part of System. It can always be installed again.
Win10 gobbles info and sends it to Microsoft Install O&O ShutUp10 https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10/update Stick it in a Folder that is handy and not going to get moved as all there will be is the .exe and a .ini file. When new version is released copy over the .exe and run it.
A site you must know, useful for all sorts of things : https://www.howtogeek.com/224798/how-to-uninstall-windows-10s-built-in-apps-and-how-to-reinstall-them/
still works : https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-7/add-the-quick-launch-bar-to-the-taskbar-in-windows-7/
I do not have your Issue, Store is Running in my Task Manager but that's it. If you are using a Microsoft Account to log in you will want to search and make it a local account https://www.howtogeek.com/230543/how-to-revert-your-windows-10-account-to-a-local-one-after-the-windows-store-hijacks-it/ instead as your always connected to the store. O & O turns some stuff off for store also.
If you do not like Tiles Classic Start Menu http://www.classicshell.net/
So ya, Search away on this site.
This is a useful site and forum www.thewindowsclub.com/ as is this https://www.tenforums.com/
So ya...do some major renovations in 10 and use O&O, switch to a local account and if still having issues with Firefox, peek-a-boo-store
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
Spremenil Shadow110