Is it a bug that I get an infinite loop in the Debugger when various problems happen?
I wanted to submit this as a bug report to Bugzilla, but I can't find it anymore!
An example of when I get an infinite loop is when I invoke a nonexistent method on an undefined object in my JS file. Another is when I rename the JS file pointed to by my HTML file being debugged and the debugger looks for the old filename.
In both cases, I get the same error message and an infinite loop that makes my computer turn its fan way up until I close the tab containing the test html program.
Source file shown it onloadwff.js The error message is: Paused on exception: Syntax error: element.queryselectorall: '*,:x' is not a valid selector.
It is not okay to pause on an exception due to a syntax error in the debugger itself. It is not okay to go into an infinite loop due to a pause on an exception.
Vsi odgovori (1)
The infinite loop stops happening when I uncheck the box Debugger > Breakpoints > Pause on exceptions and reload. My program has the line "throw Error(msg);" which may be an easy way to replicate the bug, not sure.
Throwing an uncaught error while using the debugger wasn't this much of a problem months ago, when I last had time to program in JavaScript. Note: Uncaught errors are allowed in JavaScript.