how to find persoanal inf, telephone number, postal addresses in address book or contacts
I am unable to find "Contacts" containing all the telephone numbers, postal addresses. I've been using for years and today can't find how to get "Contact" info. Any help where to access? Thanks
Vsi odgovori (18)
Is it that you cannot locate the addressbook? if menu bar is missing on mainscreen, click ALT key and then select View>Menu Bar and View>Mail bar. This also applies if you are in compose window and do not see addressbook. A feature in compose window is to click F9 to see contacts list in a left sidebar.
No, the address book is available. I am not able to bring up the contacts information other than the email address.
I'm not understanding fully. Can you post a screenshot of what you see in addressbook? Or maybe you just want the horizontal view? If so, from Addressbook pane, click the icon immediately to the right of the searhbox. One of the options on that dropdown menu is 'horizontal view' which shows that information.
I do not know how to post a screen shot.
There is a free, simple, screenshot program at this URL: bluefive dot pair dot com It lets you select an area of the computer screen and create a jpg image that you can upload with your post.
In the interim, were you able to locate the horizontal view of addressbook as I explained above? That may be what you're looking for.
The horizontal view does not help, displays the same information.
do you have something like the screenshot attached ? do you have all items checked as on this screenshot ?
Update, apparently some addresses and phone numbers are no longer in the address book file. If I scroll I can find some remnants of past addresses or phone numbers.
Apparently there has been a change since I last used Contacts. Previously I right clicked and a window with the data of a single contact popped up.
Looks like I have a lot of work to do to recover information no longer in the address book.
Yes, phone numbers & addresses are checked.
Either your address book has been corrupted and has lost some infos, or for some reason your missing info is still here but can't be displayed by Thunderbird. Both ideas seem unlikely, however only the second could be tested relatively easily. You could install the add-on Cardbook, it allows you to import everything from the Thunderbird address book into its own database, so maybe it would work a miracle ? I know that's grasping at straws, but it's a low-effort test anyway.
I added card successfully. No additional data was retrieved. Thanks
Bummer. I'm at a loss on how some info (and only some) could have disappeared from an address book. Maybe you upgraded from a much older version and something has not worked in the migration ? do you have files with .mab.bak extension in your profile ?
For sure there have been "updates", since I accessed the "lost" info a year ago. I don't know how to find the profile files to look for mab.bak.
You can use Help / More troubleshooting, search in the Application Basics table for 'About:profiles', click it and you'll get at the directory.
The name field and email info field each appear corrupted. If you have an older copy of MAB or sqlite file, you could try importing that file.
Will do later, must go about chores for now. Thanks
Yes I have an old drive with most of the data I need. I'll try that later. Must do other chores for now. Thanks