Image files as attachments vs. part of body text
I'm using the latest version of THUNDERBIRD for WINDOWS (now 10 HOME), but this problem has existed for years with previous versions of THUNDERBIRD and former releases of WINDOWS, both HOME & PRO releases. And, it seems to be very specific. When i receive e-mails from (especially) 2 friends who both use AOL as their e-mail client, when I receive them, the imaged files (or memes) are always 'converted into attachments, and what shows in the Body Text of the e-mails is empty boxes. Yet, when I get e-mails from others, including from commercial sources, if there are images within the Body Text, they are present there. This IS very annoying because many times the e-mails I get from these two friends are technical e-mails, with clarifying images as part of the Body Text. When I have mentioned this to them, their responses are that n one else complains, only me, and so the problem MUST BE at my end, but that doesn't make sense, since when I receive e-mails from others (Gmail, etal.) any included images are fully where they belong. ++++++++++++++++++++ Secondly, WHY is it that when there are threaded e-mails in the Sent folder, the ARROW to expand the thread appears at the left side, but in the Delete folder the ARROW appears between the title of the e-mail & the next column? This IS very annoying!!!! Also, when I'm in the DELETE folder, sometimes only two options appear at the right side: Archive Delete, BUT in other incidences, there's a plethora of alternative options, and the Delete option is positioned in a different place. More often than not, I click on the option to send it e-mail to the Archive folder, when I really wanted to Delete it permanently. Another major annoyance!!!! Thank you robert herold
17mkombi@gmail.com OR rhh.jr5387@gmail.com
Spremenil Matt
Vsi odgovori (3)
Just to make sure. Look in Tools -> Settings -> General and go to the Reading & Display section. Is View attachments inline checked/enabled? If not, then that might be the reason.
THANK YOU, MArk for your timely reply & suggestion. I've checked the box that you suggested, It is checked & shows up as deep blue on my screen. So, this is not the solution.
However, as I mentioned in my original question, I don't have a problem getting embedded images (or memes) from other e-mail friends, who use either Gmail or another provider. The problem exists ONLY with these two friends, both of whom use AOL. And, conversely, they tell me that they don't have any issues with others who either send them e-mails OR receive e-mails from others.
This IS very perplexing ...... VERY annoying also.
Since the THUNDERBIRD options box is checked properly, I would say that this tech assistance case is closed.
However, I would hope that you pass on my additional comments about the other 2 issues that I originally brought up to the people responsible for improving the THUNDERBIRD experience.
David tried to help me a while back with the Threading activity, but I still cannot stop it. I find this to be very annoying also, especially since it was not the default setting in earlier releases of T-BIRD. The steps that he itemized for me did not appear on my release of T-BIRD, and I'm running at the latest release in WIN 10 HOME.
THANK YOU!!!! r.h.
First, you will generally do better by limiting your posts to a single issue. I will comment on the threading issue. The official statement is at https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/message-threading-thunderbird Using the config editor to change the default works, as Thunderbird will use that setting for all future folders. And the manual process of selecting a folder, and then using the menu option shown there will allow setting all folders within an account.