Thunderbird "Not Responding"
I see more than a few questions about TB not responding. I've posted one myself. I've read several replies. The replies seem to blame outside causes like anti-virus or mail server not responding. I don't care what those causes are. I want TB to do what I am trying to do and have TB deal with that other stuff in the background. This is I should be able to open a mail message that is already here while TB is stuck with a slow response from the mail server, the anti-virus, or whatever. I have a huge fast computer with tons of memory, so TB should be able to do local tasks for me the user while dealing TB deals with whatever out there is slow and not prevent me from working in TB. That is it appears to me the issue is TB just stops dead on the user side, when something outside is slow. Can we fix that?
Vsi odgovori (3)
There are a multitude of issues why TB seems to be the culprit...
...a little while ago, I was helping someone to understand about the security of a server and the need for it to have a valid certificate to protect the user's computer from an insecure connection.
Under that circumstance, TB simply wouldn't connect but informed the user about the problem. It 'hanged'. None of us would want TB to connect to an insecure and unvalidated Server and put the user at risk.
TB is doing it's job in a great many of these instances. Other times, it isn't TB that's doing anything wrong. Trying to work out what the problem is takes time and the volunteer advisers here have to work out where the problem is before offering a solution.
Someone has to know the relationship of TB programming blocks. The user interface should not go unresponsive, throw up the hourglass, when simply downloading messages from the mail server. I should be able to respond to messages already received without waiting for the download of new messages to complete regardless the cause of a download short or long. As it stands now TB makes me, the user, wait and wait, blocking any other function of TB until completing the dialog with the mail server.
If the software on your speedy computer doesn't interact well then speed is of no use.
Also despite what you may have read elsewhere it's impossible without your data to say whether in your case the issue is Thunderbird or something else, nor is there anything to investigate or speculate about without data.
But https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Memory_Usage_Problems has steps to develop some data.