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Weird font is displayed which screws up the web page layouts

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When I view certain pages, such as this one, much of the text, normally text that would be in h1, h2,h3 tags is displayed in a weird block font that looks terrible and is almost impossible to read. An Example screenshot is here : Please help me, I've tried clearing cache, uninstalling/reinstalling, deleting full directory, etc.

URL of affected sites


When I view certain pages, such as this one, much of the text, normally text that would be in h1, h2,h3 tags is displayed in a weird block font that looks terrible and is almost impossible to read. An Example screenshot is here : Please help me, I've tried clearing cache, uninstalling/reinstalling, deleting full directory, etc. == URL of affected sites == http://

Vsi odgovori (4)

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Same thing is happening to me for about a week now.

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Michael Taylor

This issue can be caused by the bitmap version of the Helvetica or Geneva font or another (bitmap) font that can't be displayed by Firefox in that font size. Firefox can't display that font in the specified size and displays gibberish instead. You can test that by zooming out (View > Zoom > Zoom Out, Ctrl -) to make the text smaller.

Uninstall (remove) all variants of that not working font to make Firefox use another font or find a True type version of that font that doesn't have the problem. ..... See

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I was having this very same problem. My gibberish font looked exactly like the screenshot. This was incredibly annoying. I read the response from cor-el and remembered that I had installed a Helvetica font in Windows for some Photoshop work. Thinking back, that was about the time that the freaky font turned up in Firefox. I just deleted the Helvetica font and and everything seems back to normal. Thanks!

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A screenshot of my (ex)problem.