Why are my WordPress.org blog posts displaying incorrectly since I upgraded to Firefox 4?
After upgrading to Firefox 4, my WordPress.org blog posts are not displaying correctly. The right sidebar bar hangs over the edge of the post page. In other words, the sidebar extends beyond the post page content area. When viewing the blog, it appears okay; however, the footer is not in the footer area. It is moved beneath the right sidebar. When viewing a post, this is where the right sidebar extends beyond the page content area.
The URL of my blog is http://rjsinternetmarketing.com/blog Thanks in advance.
Spremenil RitaJo
Vsi odgovori (6)
Looks fine to me in Firefox 4.0. Try clearing your browser cache.
Tools > Clear Recent History... - hit Details and make sure only Cache is selected, then select Everything and hit the Clear Now button.
Where are tools in Firefox 4.0?
Hit the Alt key to temporarily show the Menu bar, then hit T or click on Tools.
I found the tools and cleared the cache; reopen my blog, and the posts are still extending beyond the content area. In order to view what I'm referencing, you have to view a single post as opposed to the entire blog.
Press the F10 key or press and hold down the Alt key to bring up the "Menu Bar" temporarily.
These are not solutions. They temporarily fix the view, but the problem will still exist. My theory is that FF4 is having a problem with child themes and multiple style sheets. In WordPress, a child theme has a style sheet named exactly the same name as the parent theme. Any style you change in the child theme overwrites the style in the parent theme. It looks to me like FF4 is sometimes reading the parent style, and sometimes reading the child style. When I refresh, it always corrects itself. But I can't expect all users to hit refresh when FF4 formats the page wrong.