How can I recive automatic web pag updates for a specific web page when it changes?
I want to be automatically notified of changes to this web page:
Context of web address: NOTE: CAPE TRIP (September 8 - September 11)
In the next few days, limited reservations for this trip will be open to SCBC members. It is important that you to read all the information posted at http://soundcyclists.com/SpecialEvents.htm#CapeTrip about the trip so you can decide if you want to go.
IMPORTANT: If you decide you want to go, you will need to standby in the next few days when the reservation system is opened, since there is limited space and there has already been an expressed interest by many in going.
We want to give all members a fair and equal opportunity to reserve a spot but you must know reservations are on a first come, first server bases so you must be ready when the link to the reservation system appears. Just return to the URL above (you may want to bookmark it), where you will be able to access the system when it's available.
Once the limited is reached, the system will be shut down. Any reservation that get through after the limit is reached and before the system is turned off, will be refunded.
Payment will be made through our PayPal system so as they say, have your credit card ready. Be sure to read the posting for details in advance of the reservation system becoming available.