invisible search result on pages with multiple pics.
When loading the site de.picclick.com and searching after the search term "RI58-0-9000" (hotkey "CTRL+F") I can't find the search result, because the search result is 1-2 inches out of visual range. When using Google Chrome I can see the search result (it's orange highlighted). -Can the Firefox developers modify the next Firefox distribution so that the search result can be found by Firefox, too ?
Spremenil worel
Izbrana rešitev
Google Chrome seems to have problems as well as I see the text disappearing.
That site places that link on one line with whitespace set to nowrap and giving all elements fixed height with no scrolling possible.
This style either via userContent.css or Stylish makes it work better and allows scrolling the text.
@-moz-document domain(de.picclick.com){ .title{ white-space:normal!important; overflow:auto!important; } }
You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
- Stylish: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/stylish/
Vsi odgovori (3)
The search result is easy to find with Google Chrome (see picture). -But when using Firefox, the search result is hard to find.
Spremenil worel
Izbrana rešitev
Google Chrome seems to have problems as well as I see the text disappearing.
That site places that link on one line with whitespace set to nowrap and giving all elements fixed height with no scrolling possible.
This style either via userContent.css or Stylish makes it work better and allows scrolling the text.
@-moz-document domain(de.picclick.com){ .title{ white-space:normal!important; overflow:auto!important; } }
You can use the ChromEdit Plus or Stylish extension to have easier access to the customization files.
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
- Stylish: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/stylish/
Now it works, thanks.