Firefox Plugin checker says Java Version is incorrect but it isn't
I updated my Real Player yesterday and the downloader worked for a while, Now it doesn't appear when i hover over a video. Also the Firefox Plugin checker was giving me Flash version errors when it was the latest version, Now the checker says my Java is not the correct version , but it is, I have reinstalled it and still get the errors. Is this a problem with Real Player and Flash, Java. I noticed that the thumbnails for videos no longer appear either. Help
Vsi odgovori (2)
First, for the java issue, please download the latest version (7 update 10) from http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u10-b18/jre-7u10-windows-i586.exe (java hasn't fully updated their site yet). Then try again and let me know how things go.
I unchecked "Forbid Java" in No Script, and it worked, So now I have the correct version of Java in Firefox and if I go to the "Verify Java version" It now says 7-10 is the latest. But the Real Player downloader still doesn't work. It works in IE 8 I think it is between Flash and Real Player. I am not getting any thumbnails in my downloaded videos either. Thanks for the suggestion, I tried every combination of fixes I found here and nothing worked. I don't know if the No Script thing fixed it or if Java finally fixed their stuff at the time I installed it.