How to remove "Firefox prevented this page from automatically reloading" message bar at top, while STILL blocking auto-refresh
I have already read many question with a very similar title, and very similar answers. However, I find those answers were incomplete, not fair, or just mis-guided. I would like to: 1) prevent websites from auto-refreshing/redirecting and 2) not getting a message-bar with "Firefox prevented this page from automatically reloading" (or something similar to this) every single time. It is just annoying and forces people to turn this security feature off. Again, I am not asking how to turn off this feature, I already know how to (it was explained a million times in many questions, and it's really obvious). I want to not get a warning every time I visit a website. Is this possible? Could it be a future feature if not?
Vsi odgovori (7)
That would defeat the purpose, which is to notify you that a page is being blocked from redirecting. I though think you can remove that with css, that i have to come up with.
Thanks for your quick reply! However, I have to disagree, simply due to how the options are shown. I don't think this is the purpose. It depends on how you look at this. If you use the GUI, then yes, I would expect to be *notified* (as you said), since the option clearly states "Warn me when websites try to redirect or reload the page". This is why I didn't ask the question in this way. I actually activated (toggled) this option (as in turns out, it is the same) from about:config, where no such thing as a "warning" is expected: "accessibility.blockautorefresh". My point being that my goal is not to be notified, but just preventing the auto-refresh action. It looks like I'm asking for too much :)
Auto-refresh is usually controlled by code on the web page. (an aside comment: Redirect you do not want to disable as server paths change frequently and if redirects are disabled, you will never be able to get to the new location of the page.)
I do not know if this add-on will completely stop auto-refresh as I have never used it, or how customizable it is.
Also, read the following about accessibility.blockautorefresh; its value is changed by checking/unchecking the option on the panel Options > Advanced > General (Accessibility section) > "Warn me when websites try to redirect or reload the page":
There is no built-in option to stop auto-refresh. Perhaps the add-on that I mentioned above will help you achieve what you are attempting.
The setting in "Options > Advanced > General" is meant as an accessibility feature, as you can see by the label of that section, so that people with disabilities or people who use screen readers do not get confused and is not meant as a safety protection to stop redirecting.
See also:
these geniuses think they know how everyone uses it. my similar issue is this when i go to a page and it redirects me ior auto refreshes i wanna know but sometimes i go to a page every f&%$# day and i know it redirects so i dont need a warning for this page. so i should be able to set exceptions to some pages like i can with other things on the options screen. i know it is accessibility but if i can set exceptions to which sites i block why not for this too. hopefully the brainiacs running this show can understand this. i know i am being disrespectful but i am sick of being treated like an idiot.
Thanks all for your answers. But I'm glad to see I am not the only one that is unsatisfied... It seems to me that what we are trying to achieve should not be something so complicated and that coming up with reasons, excuses, you name it, to explain why this is not easy is just not the approach we should be taking. Example: saying that because X feature is under A, B or C category makes it "an accessibility" feature is not, in my opinion, a valild reason. Since I do not suffer from disabilities, I guess I cannot stop websites from auto-refreshing without getting a warning...
Anyway, I don't want to be negative, but I am just pointing out that giving such reasons kind of frustrate the users and people asking questions. It would be simpler to say "not enough resources to develop/implement/improve".
Now, being more constructive: would it be possible to decouple (thanks TheOldFox) redirect from auto-refresh? Or to implement what mrvstop is proposing?