Change about:home page Title
What CSS code would I need to use to change the Page Title of the about:home page?
Currently Firefox displays the text "Mozilla Firefox Start Page" on the tab when about:home is opened. I would like to change that text to something else.
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I don't think CSS can change a text node (i.e., text between the <title> and </title> tags).
This doesn't work either (attempting to insert text before the existing text):
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document url("about:home") { title::before { content: "Hello There -- "; } }
Oh, I see.
I found some CSS code to change text for items on the about: addons page, and so I thought that it might be possible to do something similar for a page title too.
Would it have to be done with javascript? and if so, how?
I'm afraid my javascript skills are as non-existent as my CSS skills.
It's easy to change the document title with JavaScript:
document.title="Hello Friend";
However, Greasemonkey might not run on about:home. https://wiki.greasespot.net/Include_and_exclude_rules#Greaseable_schemes
Maybe there is a different add-on to modify the title?
You might try this forum, as their CSS hacking skills are more advanced than mine: https://forum.userstyles.org/discussions
Thanks for the clarification and link.
I was hoping that it would be simple to achieve with GreaseMonkey, but apparently not (due to 'about' pages being excluded).
I will try the userstyles forum as you suggest. I have had very helpful replies there in the past.
Quisquose said
I will try the userstyles forum as you suggest. I have had very helpful replies there in the past.
I spoke too soon!