Firefox snap - black screen
Hello, I have Firefox from snap on my computers which runs Debian 10 x64. After latest update 87.0-3 from snap firefox window become competly black. I try safe mode but it is same. I happaned on my laptop, my virtual machine and on my desktop too. Could please help me where is the problem ? Thank you.
Сви одговори (2)
V prípade takýchto problémov spravidla pomôže "Obnova firefoxu": https://support.mozilla.org/cs/kb/obnova-firefoxu-snadne-reseni-vetsiny-problemu Spustite firefox a potom: [SK:] F10>Pomocník>Informácie pre riešenie problémov>Obnoviť Firefox [CZ:] F10>Nápověda>Technické informace>Obnovit aplikaci firefox
Pokud je označení 87.0-3 nějaká betaverze Firefoxu, tak si raději nainstaluj normální Firefox (aktuálně je 87.0)