Problem with SMTP server GMAIL, also after re-insytalling Thunderbird
I can not send emails anymore from my gmail account. SMTP authentication faild. Tried to reset password, did not succees (it succeeded on my mobile phone and in the browser). Updated Thunderbird (see image), however nothing seems to work :-(
IMAP does work, so fortunatly I can receive answers to solve this problem !
Does anyone has a tip ??
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niekengelhart zei
I can not send emails anymore from my gmail account. SMTP authentication faild. Tried to reset password, did not succees (it succeeded on my mobile phone and in the browser). Updated Thunderbird (see image), however nothing seems to work :-( IMAP does work, so fortunatly I can receive answers to solve this problem ! Does anyone has a tip ??
PS. OAuth in SMTP settings does not worh either :(
Zou u het volgende artikel willen doornemen https://support.mozilla.org/nl/kb/thunderbird-en-gmail. wellicht staat hier de oplossing in en inderdaad moet er nu gebruik worden gemaakt van OAuth. Hebt u zich op die manier geauthenticeerd? Check ook of Thunderbird nog wel als toegestane app staat geregistreerd bij GMail.