Problem with .wav and .mp3.
For example try http://joliclic.free.fr/html/object-t.../object-audio.html. mp3 does not work. wav works first time then not again. on second try ask you to go to Quicktime to load plugin! On third time nothing
Сви одговори (11)
Using the QuickTime plugin with Firefox
Troubleshooting Plugins
Check and tell if its working.
Stillnot working for Firefox 5.0.1 Mac OSx 10.6.8 Quicktime plugin 7.6.6 No access to Quicktime preferences on System Preference menu I have seen this error reported elsewhere
Troubleshooting extensions and themes
Video or Audio does not play
Check and tell if its working.
Does it work if you open the links directly in the QuickTime player?
Does QT still work on the test page(s) when this happens?
No they all don't work, after first try. Ie play once, then not. Seem to play after empty cache
I am using web sites that worked before Firefox upgrade. This works, but want wav/mp3
<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width = " 240 " height = " 32 " codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab"> <param name = "SRC" value = "twinkle-qcomm.mov"> <param name = "AUTOPLAY" value = "false"> <param name = "LOOP" value = "false"> <param name = "CONTROLLER" value = "true"> <param name = "CACHE" value = "false"> <param name = "BGCOLOR" value = "#FFFFFF"> <param name = "KIOSKMODE" value = "false"> <param name = "TARGETCACHE" value = "false"> <embed src="twinkle-qcomm.mov" width="240" height="32" autoplay="false" loop="false" controller="true" playeveryframe="false" cache="false" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" kioskmode="false" targetcache="false" pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download"> </embed>
Your code is missing a closing </object>.
Is that missing in your code or did it got lost with copying to your post?
Posting error. It is from the testing site. As i said, this is a Firefox 5 error not present in 4. I have updated and stuck! unless downgrade, but i have read others with this problem
Example of simple wav embed
Yes plays in quicktime app and windows iexplore :-(
That example ([*]) is actually a MIDI example and not a WAV file.
<EMBED SRC="../graphics/sounds/1812over.mid" HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=144>
Did you check the settings in the QuickTime player?
Works in quicktime player. No System preference access to quicktime preferences with Mac OSx 10.6.8 (Quicktime plugin 7.6.6) See https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20QuickTime%20plugin%20with%20Firefox
Correct, but mid and wav act the same, just an example
So I have the same issue. if I hold "shift" and reload the page, i get the sound again once, followed by a dialog box for additional plug ins, followed by nothing. Shift and reload and we repeat. Rinse. Repeat. So it can't be an issue with Quick time working or not. just thought i'd add my 2 cents.